Dr. Helen He
Facial Acupuncture
Facial acupuncture is a natural anti-aging treatment. It is a non-surgical facial that more people are turning to as an alternative to invasive injections, fillers and chemical treatments to restore a radiant glow to our complexion.
Like acupuncture for other conditions it also involves placing tiny, painless acupuncture needles into various points on the face.
Facial acupuncture works in the same way that other acupuncture treatments do—it focuses on balancing a person’s qi and clearing blockages and thus enhancing facial appearance by increasing circulation and proper lymph flow, and clearing congestion. It also helps address the underlying causes of skin issues and premature aging, such as hormonal imbalances, digestive health, and stress and therefore skin looks more radiant, reduce lines around the mouth and eyes, and aid with depuffing.
How does facial acupuncture work?
Stimulates production of elastin and collagen to plump up the skin and smooth out fine lines and wrinkles
Increases circulation, balancing skin tone and texture
Increased blood flow encourages detox, lymph drainage & oxygenation
Increases nutrients to the skin’s surface which can brighten eyes and clears complexion
Reduces and relaxes tension in the facial nerves and muscles
Stimulates muscle elasticity which helps sagging chin neck and cheeks
Reduces stress